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Some people consider that the Olympic Games are ordinary and boring events. Maybe they are not right because many people can tell about their bright impressions about the Olympiad in Sochi.
ОтветитьУдалитьOne the one hand, the most exciting moment of the Olympiad in Sochi was opening of the Olympic Games. Firstly, they were the first Olympic Games in “new” Russia (until these Olympic Games, there were only the summer Olympic Games in the USSR, 1980). Secondly, it was incredible show with many people in different costumes, new modern technology, many dances of different nationalities which live in Russia, charming pictures about Russian history and many bright colourful fireworks. Thirdly, enormous number of people saw that unforgettable show.
On the other hand, many people consider that the most exciting moments of the Olympic Games were sports competitions. I think that competitions are exciting moments too, but they are not as incredible as the ceremony of opening.
Therefore, I think that it was the most exciting moment of the Olympiad. The Winter Olympic Games in Sochi were the best Games in history of the Olympiad, largely thanks to great opening of the Olympics Games.
The Olympiad in Sochi has just finished. To my mind it was one of the most important events in history of Russia. About 3 milliard people watched opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games all over the world on 7th February 2014. It was very exiting in spite of an unexpected problem during the show. The fifth circle of the Olympic symbols couldn’t open on time.
ОтветитьУдалитьOn the one hand that moment was very terrible. Many foreign journalists thought that it was shame. Some people agreed with them. However, the circle opened after 30 seconds.
On the other hand, it’s never too late to mend. The organizer took that moment like a joke. At the closing ceremony we watched a humorous play where the fifth circle intentionally wasn’t opened too. Many people liked that joke.
Apart from that Russian competitors won the tremendous amount of medals in the team event. This fact has particularly changed the attitude to opening ceremony and to Russia to in whole.
To conclude, all is well that ends well. If the final result is good, previous failures are forgotten and there is no need to complain, since the end results is the most important thing.
The XXII Olympic Winter Games were held from February 7 to February 23, 2014 in Sochi, Russia. That was the first time when the Russian Federation hosted the Winter Olympics. Many people think that they were the greatest international sports event in the world, while some believe they were just a waste of money. Speaking for myself I don’t share the last opinion. There are plenty of reasons.
ОтветитьУдалитьThe first reason is that the Olympic Games offered exciting events and historic moments. For example, vivid opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics were unforgettable and really spectacular.
The second reason is that for the first time in history, in the most prestigious race of skiing - 50 km for men, three Russians were at the winning pedestal.
Another reason is realization of the idea that initially seemed insane and then got transformed into reality – holding of the Winter Games in the subtropics.
To sum up, the XXII Olympic Games were the most innovative sports festival. They became an outstanding event not only in the history of Russia but in the history of the Olympic Games. Russia has confidently won in the Olympic medal standings with 33 medals, including 13 gold.
Kirill Krasnov.
ОтветитьУдалитьThe Olympic Games in Sochi were one of the most significant events for Russia. They showed our county from the new aspect: very modern and advanced.
Many interesting and exciting moments making sport fans be proud of their country happened during for more then two weeks.
In my opinion the most breath-taking competition took place on the short track speed skating rink where our sportsmen won gold and silver medals. Many skaters were nervous and made mistakes. But the russian team suprised its fans by their wish to win and team spirit.Viktor Ahn,former korean sportsman, brought a great contribution in the victory in medal score. He became a sensation because recovered from his traumas, changed citizenship, and became the olympic champion. Every his participation in the sport events attracted the most of spectators on the stand. From the first days of the Olympiad Viktor Ahn was all fans',spectators',journalists' favourite.
In concludion I want to say that the Olympic Games Sochi 2014 were full of sensations, innovations, exciting moments and disappointments.I feel proud and happy that the Olympiad took place in my country.
Boris Kazancev
ОтветитьУдалитьIt’s a pleasure to talk about the brightest moments
of the winter olympyc games in 2014.
In February 7, 2014 at 20:14 (Moscow time) the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games started . It was a very enchanting , magical and exciting spectacle ! spectators travelled through the fabulous world with the girl Luba visiting different stages from Russian history.
The latest computer technologies we used. Nearly 3,000 actors took part in that performance that will be remembered for a long time. Organizers of the show combined all of the most important stages of Russian history and culture. Troika and Wonder Yudo fish kit replaced the era of Peter , the first ball of Natasha , and then appeared symbols of the Soviet period .The famous sportsmens Multiple Olympic champions Irina Rodnina and Vladislav Tretyak burn the fire of the XXII Olympic Winter Games Sochi 2014.
Our athletes were great in different qualifications Especially the figure skating team won the first gold medal. But the most of the gold medals were won in the last days of the Olympiad. In my opinion the most exciting moment of the Olympic games was three Russian sportsmen Legkov, Vylegzhanin and Chenousov took the whole pedestal.
Our athletes are great! And we can say , " Not Gonna Get Us " !
Vasily Vinokurov
ОтветитьУдалитьThe Last Olympic Games in Sochi can be definitely called successful. It was recognized not only in Russia and all around the world.
The Olympics shook by its greatness at the very beginning, the opening ceremony. Its scope, quality were breathtaking. Already during the ceremony it became clear that the finance invested in the Olympics wasn’t spent in vain.
But I would like to dwell on the last days of the Olympics. On the last days of the Olympiad Russian achieved the first place in the team standings. Male biathletes won the relay; Vic Wild became the champion in parallel slalom, the Zubkov’s crew took the top step of the podium in the bobsleigh four-man, the first time in the history of Russia and the USSR. And, of course, skiers Legkov, Vylegzhanin, Chernousov did an impossible thing, taking all podium and providing Russia victory in the medal score.
This Olympics left no one indifferent. Russia proved that such a great event can be fulfilled, despite all the attacks of the West media. In the end I want to quote Thomas Bach: "What has been done in Sochi in seven years, in other places it would be impossible to do for decades."
This Olympiad was the best in the history.