четверг, 14 января 2010 г.

Климат в нашем районе

Climate in our region

We live in Mirny. It is in the Jar North, in Yakutia. The climate of our region is sharp-continental, because of its geographical position. In winter the weather is sever and cold, but in summer it is hot. The lowest temperature is 55 degrees below zero. Everything is white with snow and ice covers rivers and lakes for a long time. Sharp frosts come to Mirny and people put on warm cloves. When the wind blows, it is very cold outdoors. The houses have double windows to keep the warmth in. In winter the days are very short, and the nights are very long. In Mirny spring begins only in April. The weather gets warmer and the snow melts quickly. At the end of May the trees are covered with green leaves and the taiga becomes greener and more beautiful. Summer is short and often hot. The temperature rises above 30. There are no nights here in summer. Nights are light as days. Autumn is usually rainy and windy. The sky is always covered with clouds. Then it snows and winter comes for 6 months.

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